Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Break Up

The Break Up is the eagerly anticipated film starring Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn. In our movie stars are more important than the people around us world, I have found that interest in the stars off screen romance has just as much or more interest to most of us as the interest in their movie does. Sadly, the real life romance may be more interesting to watch. The on screen couple get together for no readily apparent reason, and have gone together in purchasing a condo that neither could afford on their own. The film shows us a lot of what bad things can happen when two people just aren't compatible with one another. Jennifer Aniston's character wants to manipulate her man into being something he is probably not capable of being. She doesn't listen to her best friend whom she confides in at nearly every turn, then wonders why things don't turn out the way she wants them. Vince Vaughn's character doesn't have a lot going for him either. Instead of 'chasing the girl' when they first have the big fight, he runs to the bar to whine to his best friend played wonderfully by Jon Favreau. I thought the better couple would have been Vince and Jon since they know each other almost too well. In the end, it's just pretty obvious that these two shouldn't be together and though you want a happy ending (this was supposed to be a romantic comedy wasn't it?), just as Vince Vaughn is left holding the bag at the end, you know the only good thing about the relationship was the condo. My SAP score.....

Story: 4
Acting: 6
Production: 5
Enjoyment Factor: 0
Overall: 2 1/2 Stars


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